Hearing Loss Leads to Falling
For every 10 decibels of hearing loss, the risk of falling increases by 40% in seniors. Repeat falls often force seniors to have to relocate where they live. Schedule a hearing test to help prevent these falls.
Do You Suffer From Sinusitis? Balloon Sinuplasty Can Help
Do you have chronic sinus problems or more than five sinus infections a year? Do you have sinus headaches, facial pressure over the sinuses that disturbs your sleep at night, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing through your nose, postnasal drip, or a persistent cough? Have you tried medicines such as antibiotics, steroids, nasal sprays, sinus rinses,…
Loneliness: A Leading Contributing Cause of Death in Seniors
The top three causes of loneliness in seniors are hearing loss, visual loss and the death of a spouse. Loneliness can lead to many health conditions, such as cancer, heart attacks and strokes. Treating your own hearing loss or that of your parents can reduce the risk of loneliness.
Hearing Loss: A Modifiable Risk Factor in Dementia
From a 2020 report in Lancet, hearing loss was one of the 12 modifiable risk factors of dementia. “The evidence consistently shows that people with normal memory and cognition are at increased risk of dementia 10-15 years after developing hearing loss. In summary, hearing loss should be treated with hearing aids early on to prevent…
Minimally Invasive In-office Nasal Surgery Is Well Received
Dr. Rosner has performed hundreds of minimally invasive nasal surgeries to repair the deviated nasal septum of patients and to make turbinates smaller. These surgeries can be done in the office or our surgery center. There is typically no packing or splints. This allows for minimal pain and a quick recovery. Turbinates are made smaller…
What is Unilateral Hearing Loss?
What is Single Sided Deafness? Sometimes referred to as unilateral hearing loss, single sided deafness is a condition in which an individual experiences hearing loss in only one ear but can hear normally out of the other ear. While most patients with a hearing impairment suffer from bilateral (two-sided) hearing loss, SSD affects approximately 60,000…
What is Sudden Hearing Loss?
For most people who experience hearing loss, the condition comes on gradually over a period of years. In rare cases, an abrupt loss of hearing occurs with little or no warning. This condition is known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL). What is Sudden Deafness? Sudden deafness is an unexplained and rapid hearing loss that…
What is Noise Induced Hearing Loss?
How Can Sounds Hurt Your Ears? Background sound is a constant in our busy lives. Normally, background noises are at safe levels that do not negatively impact our hearing. But repeated exposure to noise above 85 decibels (dB) can cause noise induced hearing loss. The louder the sound, the less amount of time it takes…
How to Wear a Mask With Hearing Aids
Personal Protective Equipment: A guide on how to wear masks with hearing aids for adult and pediatric patients. Ways to wear masks for adults Tie-on masks Make sure to tie the straps high up on the head and low on the neck. Hearing aids will not be obstructed. When removing mask, untie the bottom first…
Additional News and Information
Dr Rosner was listed as Hearing Professional of the year Midwest winner of 2012 Dr. Rosner is the first physician trained in Oakland & Macomb County in Trans Oral Robotic Surgery for Sleep Apnea Dr. Rosner has poster presentation at American Rhinologic Meeting in Vancouver 2013 on Sinus headache sleep disruption & inflammation Dr. Rosner…