Nose Spray Addiction
Over-the-counter nose sprays with Afrin can be addictive. They should not be used for more than three days in a month. There are medical and surgical treatments to improve nasal breathing if you have nose spray dependency.
Coverage for Hearing Aids
Many patients can receive hearing aids through their insurance. We participate with Tru hearing. Many working patients qualify for coverage through Michigan Rehabilitation. All these patients receive their hearing aids from our highly trained audiologists.
More Comfortable Balloon Sinuplasty in the Office
Patients are now receiving a sublingual (under the tongue) Dsuvia tablet before balloon sinuplasty procedures. Patients are less sedated and more comfortable. They can tell us about an immediate improvement in their sinus symptoms during the procedure.
Vivaer Radiofrequency Treatment for Nasal Obstruction
VivAer® is a technique using topical radio waves to improve nasal breathing. This is performed in the office under local anesthesia. This treats septal swells and nasal valve collapse. If a Breath Right® strip helps you breathe better, then this procedure is likely to help you. Dr. Rosner has performed hundreds of these procedures with…
Shorter Wait Times in the Office
All patients prefer to wait as little as possible. We have changed the office flow, so wait times are much shorter. To achieve this, patients are now asked to fill out their medical history on our portal prior to scheduling an office visit. For patients who need help with the portal, a visit can be…
Endoscopic Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction
What is septoplasty? Septoplasty is a surgery done to straighten or repair the septum of the nose. What is endoscopic septoplasty? Historically, most septoplasties have been performed with an incision in the front of the nose. Tunnels several inches long are often made to expose the deviation of the septum. In endoscopic septoplasty, however, an…
Working With a Scribe
Dr. Rosner will typically have an assistant or scribe with him. The scribe enters the history, physical information and orders into the electronic health record. This allows the doctor to spend more face-to-face time with the patient, instead of looking at the computer. At times, instructions need to be given to the scribe. Most patients…
Image Guidance for Sinus Surgery
Dr. Rosner uses the Scopus image guidance system for in-office Balloon Sinuplasty. Images on the screen are bigger and clearer than on other systems. Accuracy in navigation is often .3 mm vs. 2 mm on other systems. This makes the in-office procedure safer and quicker.
Balloon Sinuplasty is Comfortable in the Office Setting
Most patients undergoing Balloon Sinuplasty choose to have it done with oral sedation in the office. This saves thousands of dollars over having it done with general anesthesia in the hospital. Over 90% of patients feel this is easier than having a dental filling.
Women After Menopause Catch Up to Men in Sleep Apnea Diagnosis
Eighty percent of sleep apnea patients are men. However, women after menopause and men have equal rates of sleep apnea. Women often snore less than men, but weight gain, heart failure, hypertension and not feeling rested during the day are symptoms of sleep apnea.