Heart Health Is Ear-risistible
Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and chances are you may be thinking about relationships. But did you know there is an important partnership within the body that helps keep your heart and hearing happy? February is American Heart Month, and you’re probably familiar with the importance of cardiovascular health. According to the CDC, 695,000…
Do Noise-Canceling Earbuds Protect Your Hearing?
Whether you’re commuting, working or enjoying a run in the park, you want to enjoy the music playing through your headphones or earbuds without distracting background noise overpowering it. This is where noise-canceling technology comes in. There are two types of noise cancellation: active and passive. Which one you should use depends on what type…
Wintertime Sinus Issues
If you think sinus infections are confined to the warmer spring and summer months when pollen is rampant and the weather can be extremely changeable, guess again. Sinus issues can be every bit as bad—if not worse—in the winter months. Sinusitis is the medical term for a sinus infection, the result of swelling and inflammation…
How to Put Nose Spray Into the Nose
Spray to the outside of the nose aiming toward the pupil on the same side. Do not sniff after spraying the nose.
Eat Well for Healthy Hearing
You’ve probably heard the phrase “you are what you eat.” While that may not be entirely true, the foods you consume can have a positive effect on your hearing. Studies indicate foods rich in certain nutrients can help boost your hearing. In some cases, they may even help prevent or delay hearing loss. Omega-3 fatty…
Want Better Sleep? Try ‘Circadian Hacking’
We’re beginning to enter the dark days and nights of winter, which can cause circadian rhythm disruption and lead to fractured sleep patterns. While some may turn to sleeping pills or regular exercise to try and get a good night’s rest, others are using a new method—circadian hacking. What Are Circadian Rhythms? Circadian rhythms are…
Want to Reduce Your Risk for Dementia? Get a Hearing Test Sooner
Researchers have known for years about the link between hearing loss and dementia. Evidence has shown that people with hearing loss are up to five times as likely to develop dementia than those with normal hearing1 and that unaddressed hearing loss in mid-life is one of the highest modifiable risk factors for developing dementia.2 Now,…
Snoring: Nothing to Joke About
People who snore are often the brunt of jokes, but it’s no laughing matter. Chronic snoring is a real problem that can cause relationship tension, drowsiness and fatigue, and lead to lapses in memory and concentration. Often, it’s an indication of a serious health disorder such as sleep apnea. If you are a snorer, you’re…
Talk to a Pharmacist
When you receive a new prescription, I recommend you speak with a pharmacist to learn how you should take the medication and what the possible side effects may be.
Why are You Ordering a Hearing Test When Your Ear Feels Plugged?
When we have hearing loss, often the ear feels plugged and our brain cannot understand the hearing loss. A hearing test or audiogram can help make an accurate diagnosis and measure the middle ear pressures. A hearing loss is often diagnosed even though the patient is not aware of the loss.